Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Are you a list person?

I have written lists but normally when organising a special occasion or getting ready to go on holiday, writing lists it is not something I am in continual habit of doing.

Today though is my last day of holidays, I go back to work tomorrow after having almost four weeks off with my kids (and hubby for two weeks of it ) and looking around I am thinking I will need to get more organised and start writing lists.

Images from Kikki. K website

I can see all these things I meant to do over the past week particularly and didn't get done. I am not upset about it as instead spent lots of quality time with my two children but as I prepare to start work tomorrow, I have suddenly remembered how hard the juggle of everything was and I promised myself to be more organised this year!I recently read an article in Home Beautiful about Kristina Karlsson founder of Kikki. k who apparently loves writing lists, filing and clears her desk every evening. Kikki. K has lots of beautifully designed stationary and more to help me to do the same. I am thinking I may need to order a few things from the website or visit to a store nearby.


  1. Oh I love a list Georgy, and also a clean desk, bedside table. That said, my current to do list has been whittled down to jobs that I am procrastinating on.
    Glad to hear you've not been getting too much done except hang with the kids. That's far more important! Good luck with it all tomorrow. x

  2. Hmm, I do like writing lists and love crossing things off then, but I don't like filing or clearing my desk. I'm more of a "make piles of papers" type of person.
    Spending time with family is more important than list writing though :)

  3. For work I write everything down in my book of things I have to do and cross them off when that job is finished...however it's not often that a write a shopping list, hence I quite often get back from the shops and realize I had forgotten something!!

  4. Hi there G! Nice to see you back in blogland again :-). Thanks for the award. It is always so nice to be reminded of that people actually are reading and appreciating what one writes about. Glad that I inspire you.
    Now to lists!
    I love a good list and have been making them since before I was born I recon ;) Sometimes I even write really silly things down only so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them out. I know...weird. But they help me keep track of everything that needs to be done from shopping lists to fixing and organizing things to be done.
    And Kikki.K is a lovely store, love the stuff. Have used there family wall planer for years now and it's so easy to keep track of everyone activity.
    Anette :-)

  5. I can never resist beautiful stationary and I also intend to be better organised this year.... we will see how that goes! Happy weekend! X


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